We had another fantastic Commodore Club meetup to close out 2018.
Before I go into the details, I want to simply thank everyone who has reached out. For those that have been able to make one of the club’s meets, it’s been a complete and total pleasure. For those that have expressed interest but haven’t been able to make it yet – fear not. 2019 is right around the corner and this shall happen.
Hosting and participating in this Commodore Club has been a dream come true for me. Thanks to all for helping to make it happen.
Meetup #7 Notes
This time around we had two main desktop machines on display and in use. We had an original (unmodified) Commodore 64 breadbin plugged into a 1702 monitor, and the now-legendary A600 MiSTer mod created by Matt M.
The C64 breadbin was equipped with a 1541 Ultimate II cartridge, which had a ton of new(ish) games loaded onto it.
On it we played:
- Portal (brand spanking new)
- Tiger Claw
- Steel Runner
- Knight ‘n’ Grail
I totally forgot to bring Bear Essentials! Next time…
The A600 MiSTer also fired up:
- Tiger Claw (Amiga version)
- Portal (C64)
- Sam’s Journey (C64, looks like Amiga!)
- Barbarian+ (Amiga version, brand new)
- A SNES game (I didn’t play it and didn’t recognize it)
…and even more. That system really is incredible.
We also had a couple of hand-held systems being passed around. One was Robert’s Game Gear with (at least) 30 cartridges. The other was Dan’s various Pico 8 machines.
But then… Dan blew everyone away when he fired up his OWN hand-made Pico-8 Xmas themed game! that he recently launched to the public. The game is called Santa Panic.
Several of us stayed glued to his game for a while. Simple concept, beautiful art. It’s something to see and give a go, folks.
With the help of Matt, Zade and Robert we finally got my 3D printer to (drumroll) print! It took a few wrenches and some wire, but everything got sorted out. I still can’t believe it was shipped to me brand new from the factory in such a ridiculous state. Regardless, happy days are ahead.
Once again, thanks to everyone for your membership in the Seattle Commodore Computer Club. I can’t wait to see where 2019 takes us.